Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2K for 2013

I tracked my commuter mileage last year and broke the 2000 mile mark. 128 commutes and 2048 miles to be exact. I imagine I've done similar in the past, but I didn't track it then. I also tracked money spent/money saved at .35 cents a mile if I drive. It was kind of a spendy year for me because I had to double up on the back end with rear D's and cassettes. Shortly after buying the first setup I had stick kick up into derailleur and completely trash it. So I upgraded to a 9 speed shifter I had in the garage and then purchased a better derailleur and cassette to get me back on the road. Upgrading lights and gear didn't help either, but it sure makes the ride better being warm and visible. 

I color coded a few areas so I can see how many extra undocumented miles I do. Each color has a hill or two included, but the orange one is a short, steep hill that really gets the blood flowing in the legs and the lungs a pumping. Fun times. : ) My goal this year is to get more commutes in to get more miles, but eventually it'll cap out because I can only ride X number of times in the year. 


Hank Greer said...

Ride on, brother! Using your data I can extrapolate my savings. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Ok, you two have way toooo much time on your hands. I say ride and enjoy, the cost of good health.. priceless...

John Greer said...

The spreadsheet justifies purchases throughout the year.

Susan said...

Like you've ever had to justify purchases.....
Keep up the great work, Dear. :)