Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

The girls and I took Susan out for a Mother's Day breakfast to a place Bek found on the Internet called the New Moon Cafe' in Olympia. The reviews said get there early and be patient, very patient. We arrived shortly after they opened the doors and it's a good thing too because service was so slow a customer next to us stood up, grabbed the coffee carafe and went around to several tables filling cups until it was empty. Seeing her get up to self serve made me feel confident to do the same with the water pitcher, but only for us. It didn't take long for the place to fill up and leave customers in wait outside the door. The food was okay and I would go back again, but I wouldn't wait as long as others did today. 

Picture from the outside. 

We all thought the toothpick dispenser was pretty cool. 

Our dinner consisted of food from the heart, but not necessarily good for it. Steak, baked potato, corn on the cob and ICB. We went to Black Bear for desert and put the done stamp on eating for the night.  


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