Monday, August 4, 2014


We have a couple old tree stumps in the back yard and some bee's decided to make one of them their home. I don't mind bee's, but I can't have a nest so close to the house. I doused them with two cans of Wasp/Hornet killer and they were still emerging from the hole.  Not wanting to lose the war, I decided to get old school and poured a little gasoline on the the stump. The flames were going pretty good and the bee's were no longer a threat. The stump actually burned from the inside out and I believe its ready to get removed. 

The product works great if you can spray it on the nest, but not if they're dug in. 

If you look closely, you can see a few of the little guys flying around. 

Let the flames begin. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great idea...too bad the bees didn't feel like moving out of their home yet. :(