Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Eagles

Susan and I got the see The Eagles in concert earlier in the week and what a great show. It was a first (and probably the last) time we’ll have the opportunity to see one of the greatest bands our generation has ever seen. We started the night with dinner at Engine House No. 9 with a few cold ones to wash everything down. The Tacoma Dome isn’t very large compared to some venues and our seats weren't too bad, but we had to look to our left to see the stage and monitors giving me a nasty creek in my neck. We decided to get up and stretch our legs at the intermission and ended up at the back of the Dome standing at the railing to watch the rest of the show. Glenn Frey and Don Henley did a good job on vocals, but I thought Joe Walsh stole the show with his guitar playing and vocals when they played “In the City”, “Life’s Been Good” and “Those Shoes”. The guy makes the strings look like they’re made out of rubber when he’s bending them. Crazy, strong fingers. Watching him makes me want to pick up my guitar again and go on my normal two month increment cycle, then set it down for several months until I get the itch again.  Then I spend the time relearning what I taught myself in the past. Maybe someday I’ll stick with it? They played Hotel California for their first encore and we decided to bug out when it was done even when we knew the concert wasn’t over, but missing all the traffic and getting home in 30 minutes made it worth skipping one last song. It was a great night for us and I look forward to spending more time together.

A good ICB is hard to pass up. 

A selfie at dinner. 

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