Friday, October 18, 2013

CX Tall Chief Golf Course

We had a bit of a home emergency earlier in the week (see earlier post), so my cx report is a bit late. Last weeks race was in new territory and it was a pretty decent course considering. I think we counted at least 15 broken rear derailleurs throughout the day and multiple other mechanical issues that stopped riders in their tracks but no serious injuries reported. The course was laid out with tall grass cut and pushed to the sides of the track in most areas and cutting the corner to the right didn't always pay off. The grass would get bound up in your cassette/rear derailleur and snap it off at the hanger if you're lucky. For some, it broke on the D side, then fell into the spokes. We all know what happens after that. Ka-Ching! Yep, go to your local bike shop and shell out a few bucks for parts and labor.SCX should try to use this course earlier in the season to avoid the mud and make for a faster course. I know it rains a lot here, so I guess its a crap shoot anyway you look at it. I'm still batting a thousand on my goal however, but just barely this time. I'm hoping Magnuson Park will go a little better. Here's a short video of the race.


Greermeister in champion form. 

Scott Moore's bike looking not so good. 

Brian Volkert, our team president suffering the mud and barriers. 


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